ATTENTION: Men and Women of ANY age who want to quickly burn off stubborn fat—in as little as 12 minutes per day

"9 Scientific Studies Prove It Works...

Now You Can Use The GL12 Solution To Increase Fat Burning Hormone Production 450%, Reverse Aging, Permanently BOOST Metabolic Rate, & Improve Heart Strength—All While You Quickly "Burn Off" Your Most Stubborn Fat To Get A Flat Attractive Belly Fast...

And You’ll Do It In Only 12 Minutes Per Day!


Shaun and Karen Hadsall

By Shaun & Karen Hadsall
Stubborn Fat Experts


PLUS: You only need 12 minutes; many times LESS.

Just keep reading our special article below to discover how you can use this unique solution that has never been made available until NOW on this very page.

I'm not telling you to exercise MORE. That doesn't work. Karen and I are showing you the EXACT step-by-step guide we use to look HALF our current age and keep our bodies in tip top shape well into our forties and fifties… and now YOU can too!

You heard it right! Now you can program your body to quickly burn off stubborn fat and turn back the clock on aging in as little as 60 minutes per week.

Make sure you read to the very end of this short article so you don't miss out on the special gifts we've put together especially for you.

Did You Know?
Traditional Exercise STOPS Your Body From Releasing "Stubborn" Fat Cells—KEEPING You Fatter…

Picture the fattest part of your body at the very moment. We all have it.

That one nagging area of our body that just won't budge – no matter how hard we try.

And no matter how hard you "diet" or exercise– you're typically left with three seemingly dead-end approaches.

MORE cardio. MORE exercise gimmicks. MORE crunches.

But did you know that according to Men's Health Magazine it takes over 22,000 crunches to burn one measly pound of fat? 22,000!

That's why you'll never get a flat, attractive belly or six pack abs crunching away on the ground or using some new infomercial gadget… and you'll never see definition in your "problem areas" performing marathon sessions of chronic cardio.

Now, let's get REAL about losing weight: we all know it's EASY to lose the first few pounds. But if you want to burn off STUBBORN fat, it gets tricky and requires more of a scientific strategy.

That's because your body is smart; SUPER smart.

So it can adapt very quickly and it will fight with all its might to "hold on" to stubborn fat, ESPECIALLY in your nagging trouble spots, like lower belly and abdominal fat, hip and butt fat.

Why? Because "stubborn" fat is MUCH different than normal fat. It LACKS blood flow. But science tells us that if you increase blood flow you can extract and burn more fat from your hard-to-get-rid-of problem areas.

In fact, research now PROVES that if you can create strategic blood flow to your WORST trouble spots, the right way at the right time—the fat on the outside of that area will be "burned off" FIRST… NOT last like every other trendy exercise program in today's day and age.[6]

So even though traditional weight loss methods work initially – it only takes a few short weeks before your body adapts, dieting and exercise loses its effectiveness, and all your progress comes to screeching halt.

But today, that all changes.


Who Will Win?

TURN OFF Your Addiction To Burning Sugars and Reprogram Your Body To Burn Fat FIRST Every Time You Move or Exercise!

Today's exercise programs take way too much time and use old-school methods that literally PROGRAM YOUR BODY to crave more calories – especially calories from sugar – FORCING your body to waste away nothing but stored energy…

INSTEAD of burning off your stubborn fat.

Ever noticed how endurance athletes, marathon runners, and aerobic junkies end up looking "skinny fat" and STILL carry a lot of belly fat even though they exercise 15-20 hours EVERY week?

But wait! It gets even WORSE.

Nowadays, every personal trainer and so-called fitness guru wants you to believe that you need to exercise in your "target heart rate zone" for AT LEAST 30 minutes or longer in order to burn fat.

That's TOTAL B.S.

You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on some fancy metabolic test to see where your target "zone" is in order to get rid of stomach fat.

All you need is our 12 minute time-saving solution below.

It's simple. It's short. And it's PROVEN to release your "trapped" fat cell to quickly burn off fat from even your most stubborn areas.

The 7 Day Ab TARGETED "Get Lean In 12" Solution: Your 7 Day Answer to Burning Away STUBBORN Fat in ONLY 12 Minutes Per Day

The Anti-Aging Bonus Side Effects:

You'll also discover how to use this 7 Day Age Reversal Exercise Strategy to…

So you'll not only save all kinds of time… you'll look and feel younger, supercharge your metabolic rate, and permanently program your body to use STUBBORN belly fat as your main source of fuel – so you can get and STAY lean!

This 7 Day Protocol Specifically Designed
To "Target" Your MOST Stubborn Fat Areas
is a VERY RARE commodity

At this point you're probably wondering WHY you should believe ANY of this unusual information, or even consider listening to an average couple like us to begin with.

After seeing all the blatant LIES, deception, false claims, and hype over the years we can't say we blame you. It makes it seem like it's impossible to find the REAL truth.

Well, my name is Shaun Hadsall. I'm a 3 time on-line best-selling author and stubborn fat expert. I was lucky enough to discover the proven science of the 7 Day Ab Targeted Solution way back in 1998, when I placed 1st Runner-Up in the world's largest body transformation contest, Body-for-LIFE™.

I own the global proprietary rights to a nutrition protocol that's been featured in TWO New York Time Best-Selling Books, and I was voted America's "Most Fit" Health & Fitness Pro at 40 years of age.

My 54-year-old wife Karen and I were even lucky enough to successfully own and operate one of the world's TOP 10 personal training studio franchises, while helping hundreds of local Ann Arbor, Michigan residents transform their aging bodies to help them look and feel years younger.


And although we've helped thousands of men and women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s create RAPID fat loss using this simple method…

We're smart enough to know by know that fat-burner pills, endless cardio, and using 90 minute DVD home workouts that beat up your body are inefficient, outdated, and end up being nothing but a complete WASTE of your time and energy.

C'mon…you know better than that!

Bottom line: You simply cannot and will not find the 7 Day Ab TARGETED Solution anywhere else. Period.

And if you do decide this approach is not for you, you'll MISS OUT on private access to the EXACT strategies that created the amazing transformations below, along with all the FREE gifts we are about ready to reveal below – unless you grab your copy of the 7 Day Ab TARGETED Solution.

Age Does NOT Matter:
Whether you're in your late 20s or 30s….or well into your 40s, 50s or 60s–ANYBODY can use this guide to LOOK leaner and FEEL younger in just one short week…

Just look at my wife’s before and after pictures below… she’s 54!
... And I'm 43, so if we can do it, so can YOU.

Before / After

Karen and I follow the same EXACT YOU can experience these results too!

It doesn't matter if you're young or old, male or female, or what your current condition is. When you discover the simplicity of the 7 Day Ab TARGETED Solution, you'll NEVER hit a weight loss plateau again.

Still don't think it's possible for you to achieve?

Just look at what real users of the 7 Day Ab TARGETED Solution, from all walks of life, have to say and you'll quickly see how YOU can do it too!

"Real World Evidence Proves The GL12 "Targeted" Solution Works!



As you can clearly see, it's NOT rocket science.

Yes, it will require a little planning and effort. So it's not necessarily easy. However, it is a VERY SIMPLE 7-day sequence anybody can follow.

All you have to do is follow our 12 minute protocols inside the 7 Day Ab TARGETED Solution to experience your FASTEST fat loss week EVER.

How can this guide FLOOD your body with 450% MORE anti-aging Growth Hormone so you can quickly "see" your belly get flatter in ONLY 7 short days?

Here are just 5 of the Benefits You'll Discover Inside this New Guide Scientifically PROVEN to Quickly Burn Off Stubborn Fat From Your WORST Trouble Spots:

Create an "all-natural" SURGE of fat burning hormones (break apart and release your stubborn fat)

CUT your exercise time in HALF and get fitter, FASTER (only 60 minutes per week!)

Program your body to burn 142% MORE overall calories—especially calories from FAT

Improve your brain power, FIGHT Alzheimer's and make yourself SMARTER

Look and Feel years younger in ONLY 7 days

By this time next week, you can wake up to a slimmer, leaner you…

Get Visible Results FAST—
Keep Your Results FOREVER

Here's the best part for ANY and EVERY person who uses and applies the 7 Day Ab TARGETED Solution on their body. You'll never worry about rebound weight gain OR hitting a weight loss plateau.

THAT'S what makes this system different than all the rest. You simply apply our proven 12 minute protocols on a weekly basis to STAY IN CONTROL of how your body looks.

I know there are a bazillion other choices out there and the information can be overwhelming! But you don't have to worry about it anymore. No more home workout DVDs that beat up your body, or wondering what do to NEXT…or resorting to expensive surgeries or dangerous diet pills.

You now have a PROVEN system right at the tip of your fingers with the flexibility to cut your exercise time in half, while quickly burning off belly fat faster and easier than ever before—all in as little as 12 minutes per day!

It's all laid out for you step-by-step
inside this easy-to-use guide:

It's simple. Just use our easy-to-follow guidelines that are scientifically PROVEN to burn off stubborn belly fat, while making you look and feel YEARS younger.

"The benefits of the Ab Targeted GL12 Solution
go FAR beyond just weight loss …

healthy arteriesImprove Your Cardiovascular and Artery Health

Three 10-minute protocols from the 7 Day Ab Targeted Solution have been proven BETTER than one long 30-minute session because the shorter routines increase extra flexibility in your arteries.[8]

This means you’ll utilize oxygen more efficiently, which will help you restore youthful cellular energy and burn even more fat.

healthy heartLOWER Your Risk of Heart Disease

In fact, just ONE single protocol per week, using these proven methods, significantly lowered the risk of cardiovascular disease over a 16-year span.[9]

By using strategic bouts of shorter exercise sessions you can greatly increase the strength of your heart, while STOPPING the formulation of life threatening plaque.

stressRELIEVE Stress and Pressure of Everyday Life

The 7 Day Ab Targeted protocols are proven to be one of the greatest stress relievers on Earth, because they cause your brain to produce more dopamine and serotonin – "happy" hormones.[1]

Your daily problems will, all-of-a-sudden, just start to roll off your back. No more letting the annoying kids, the nagging spouse, or the irritating co-workers stress you out or bring you down. You'll be leaner AND happier in less than one week from now.

save timeSAVE Time and KILL Exercise Boredom

The 7 Day Ab Targeted Solution RIDS your life of the two BIGGEST problems associated with traditional exercise routines. A lack of time and boredom. NO more long, tedious, and BORING exercise sessions.

You can get all the results you need in just 60 minutes per week!

improve insulin sensitivityFIGHT Against Diabetes and Win The War Against High Blood Sugar

You’ll also improve your insulin sensitivity to FIGHT against diabetes:

3 months of these simple protocols, performed only two times per week, reduced fasting glucose levels in obese teenagers more than any other exercise type.

This increased benefit was still there 9 months later!

Research also shows that just 3 minutes of the Ab Targeted Solution protocols, just a few times per week - for just 4 short weeks, improved insulin sensitivity by an average of 24%![5]

This means you’ll be LESS likely to store your favorite foods as fat!

Success leaves clues that
guarantee YOUR success

Don't be another statistic. Every New Year millions and millions of people try to make this year "different".

But if you don't have an efficient plan, that works quickly and is easy to follow, it's just the same ole' same ole'.

Cutting calories and exercising more ends up leading to metabolic damage and stalled fat loss. But for some stupid reason, people think they can continue to do what they've always done, and expect a different result – without following a PROVEN BLUEPRINT.

Then history repeats itself AGAIN. Can you say insanity?

But now you can make this time different.

After all, success leaves clues. All you have to do is look at the REAL world results and the scientific PROOF. Then it's just a matter of taking some action for one measly hour per week to experience your fastest results ever.

Have you ever heard the saying, "Give a man a fish you feed him for a day; TEACH a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Well, right now you have chance to discover how to burn fat for a lifetime.

If you're ready to put forth some effort to make this time different then EVERY other exercise gadget or crash diet you've tried, now is the time to make your move.

Not everyone can handle results THIS fast

Every Year, 45% of adults set New Year's resolutions... but 25% don't even make it past the FIRST week! And ONLY 8% are successful in achieving them.

Welcome to Reality

So even with the best intensions, unfortunately the 7 Day Ab TARGETD Solution is NOT for everyone.

If the 7 Day Ab Targeted Solution is so Special, Why is it only $27?

The first thing Karen and I wanted to do as the creators of this program was to make sure that everybody could afford this system.

I'm not going to sit here and mislead you, or blatantly LIE to you, like other fitness websites that go on and on telling you, "It's normally $1,000!" We all know that's a bunch of B.S. anyway.

However, as fitness professionals, Karen and I charge upwards of $249 or more just to sit down with a private client and set them up with this type of plan, so $27 is chump change when you consider its REAL value.

That's the beauty of the Internet and technology. You get instant access to everything you need in one easy-to-use spot – at one super low price – so you can get started right now.

You don't need to pop another diet pill. And it's not necessary for you to hire a personal trainer, because EVERY step of our system has you covered.

All you need is a little commitment and determination for at least the first week, and you'll SEE your belly get flatter and watch your trouble spots start to disappear.

So for a LIMITED TIME ONLY, we're offering a ridiculously LOW price. And to sweeten the pot, we'll make sure ALL the risk is on us…

Get results first, THEN decide

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Here's our personal promise to you: If for ANY reason the 7 Day Ab "TARGETED" Solution doesn't live up to the three promises above, just send us an email within 60 days of your purchase and we'll give you a full, no-questions asked refund: 100% of your money back!

This means you can go through our simple to use guide AND all the Free Gifts were given you below, with ZERO risk. AFTER you take some action…if you don't get results, you're fully covered.

But there's more:

For a Very Limited Time You Can Receive
Our New Release Special Pricing

To celebrate the new release of the 7 Day Ab "TARGETED" System, Karen and I are going to release the first few thousand copies at an INSANELY low price. But as much as we enjoy helping our valued customers we know it won't be long before our team is overwhelmed…and at that point I will have no choice but to RAISE THE PRICE.

So make sure you order now and lock in the new release special price before it's too late:

General Public Regular Price

$40 OFF Today Only – Oct. 4, 2024



But Wait!

We're also going to GIVE you five free gifts
so nothing is left to chance…

Karen and I have been in the fat loss game a LONG time… since the early 90s, so we've learned a thing or two. That's why we KNOW this system is, BY FAR, the safest, fastest way for you to quickly burn off stubborn fat, while making you look years younger.

That's why we want to make sure you have EVERYTHING you need so you know exactly what to do today – and well AFTER your first week…

Here's The Free Bonus Package
You'll Receive Today (A Real $197 Value)

Free Bonus #1
"Start Burning More STUBBORN Fat Now!"

Fast Start Guide7 Day Ab "TARGETED" Fast Start Guide

This is for all those folks who have a busy life and are in a hurry to get started as fast as possible. The Fast Start Guide strips out the entire 7 Day Ab Targeted Plan down to the bare essentials so you can start right now if you want to. This guide provides every 12 minute exercise routine you need to follow at your finger tips for you to get the FASTEST start possible.

You can literally have your entire 7 day schedule planned out in as little as 5 minutes. Effective AND efficient. NO time wasting.

Free Bonus #2
"Keep Your Body in "Fat Burning Mode" 24/7!"

11 SUPER Sneaky Fat Burning Secrets11 SUPER Sneaky Fat Burning Secrets:

This Free Bonus will give you 11 fat burning secrets you've probably NEVER heard of before.

Every sneaky trick is designed to KEEP your body in "fat burning mode" 24/7.

Some of these tricks are quick and easy. Some take a little more planning and effort. Some are exercise. Some are nutrition.

But all of them work, BIG TIME.

You'll discover:

- The easiest ways to maximize your hormonal response from nutrition and exercise with Intermittent Fasting.

- How you can access fat and calories up to 300% FASTER than normal and how to burn 142% more calories AFTER your workout is over.

- Simple blood sugar manipulation techniques to increase fat burning, FIGHT aging, and ward off diabetes.

And much, much more.

All you have to do is pick a few that match your lifestyle or implement all 11 strategies if you want. Start burning MORE fat today!

Free Bonus #3
"Discover How to NEVER Store Carbs as Fat!"

Food Timing TricksFood Timing Tricks for RAPID Fat Loss:

This Special Bonus Report provides dozens of simple-to-use food and exercise timing tricks that will keep your body in a high energy, fat-burning environment round the clock.

Understanding food timing is by far one of the best ways to dramatically accelerate your results from your nutrition and exercise efforts.

This guide clears up ALL the confusion of timing your foods as it relates to rapid fat-loss, gaining muscle, and keeping a "healthy" metabolism.

You'll discover how to tweak the timing of your food intake so that you recover faster and preserve precious muscle while RAPIDLY increasing the speed of at which your body accesses and uses fat as fuel.

You'll also learn the real truth about strategically timing your foods properly before and after exercise to manipulate hormones for accelerated fat loss and muscle gains.

And today, you can get our special Food Timing Tricks for RAPID Fat-Loss Guide 100% FREE.

Free Bonus #4
"Sculpt and Tone Your WORST Trouble Spots!"

The 7 Day Trouble Spot SolutionThe 7 Day Trouble Spot Solution:

Introducing the Spot Reduction Solution: Your 7 Day Protocol to legitimately induce spot reduction and tone up your WORST trouble spots.

Inside this Special Bonus Report you'll discover how you use the Trouble Spot Solution protocol in tandem with your 7 Day Ab Targeted System, to force your body to shed unwanted pound directly from your problem areas FIRST—not LAST, to quickly sculpt and tone your body.

By the time your first week is over you can experience a FULL month's worth of fat-loss on LESS than 7 days.

And anyone who picks up the newly released 7 Day Ab "TARGETED" Solution today, will get this scientifically proven "Spot Reducing" rapid fat-loss guide 100% FREE.

This brand new innovative special report has a real value of $47 and right now it's yours for the taking.

Free Bonus #5
"Continue Losing Even MORE Stubborn Fat AFTER Day 7!"

Continuation Cheat Sheets7 Day Ab Targeted Continuation Cheat Sheets:

The biggest question we get when people start seeing their body transform in less that a week is, "What do I do AFTER day 7?"

This Special Bonus Report is your answer.

You'll get an entire 8 week workout plan to make sure you KEEP all the results from your first few week – while ensuring the results continue for years to come. 

7 Day Ab Targeted Solution

Do You Remember What You Were
Doing Exactly ONE Year Ago?

I don't know how old you are, but there is one thing we know for sure…

This past year went by faster than any other year in our lives… and yours too!

And guess what? We BOTH know that next year will go by even faster. Our life is accelerating. There's NO way we can slow it down. Ask your mom or dad how fast their lives went by. It's a blur.

And as you age, you evolve. You get smarter and more efficient. It's called "wisdom." But is your body evolving? Or is it aging and stagnant? Stuck in a rut or plateau?

And since you've made it this far down the page, it's our last chance to give you a serious dose of reality, whether you like it or not.

If you keep doing exactly what you're doing right now, your body fat will continue to haunt you.

It can hinder the romance with your spouse. It can destroy your important first impressions. It can have a negative impact on the time you spend with your kids. It can make your vacations uncomfortable. It will zap you of precious energy and it can ruin your self confidence!

And it could ultimately destroy your health, lead to heart disease, or even cancer.

But we won't let ANY of these things happen to you! And we don't want to see you end up like "everyone else" who goes through life WISHING they would have discovered and used our proven solution.

And we KNOW you can do it! Starting today, you can burn off stubborn fat to start looking younger and feeling your best ever.

When you make the intelligent choice
to grab your discounted copy of the
"7 Day Ab TARGETED Solution" you will…

  • Burn MORE fat and calories in 12 short minutes than a FULL hour of traditional aerobic exercise, while you BOOST your metabolic rate for up to 48 hours straight.[7]
  • Time your food intake to work synergistically with your nutrition and access belly fat over 300% FASTER than normal to create the fastest fat loss possible in ONLY 7 short days.[7]
  • Master and take complete control of your body's #1 fat-burning hormone to burn off and tone your MOST stubborn fat areas.[6]
  • A 4 minute Japanese protocol scientifically PROVEN to release 400% MORE anti-aging growth hormone to help you look and feel younger in LESS than one week.[7]
  • Discover the easiest way to feast on LOTS of your favorite carbs and sweet treats, while you NEVER store them as fat.
  • The EXACT 7 day sequence you need to follow to quickly SEE your belly get flatter day-by-day, in ONLY 60 minutes per week.
  • Quickly watch EVERYTHING in your life changing for the better.
  • Wake up EVERY day with energy and excitement ready to take on your day – without hitting the snooze alarm five times…
  • Watch your body, your relationships, your career, your family life, your productivity levels, and even romance with your spouse improve in ways you can't even imagine.

So whether you have only 10 to 20 pounds to lose…or you have 30, 40, even 50+ pounds to lose, this program WILL work – if you apply yourself and USE it.

… Don't miss out on this LIMITED TIME discount price!

7 Day Ab Targeted Solution

Click The "Add To Cart" Button To
Receive Your New Release Special Price Of Only $27...
PLUS Your Five Free Gifts (A REAL $197 Value!)

Oct. 4, 2024

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Oct. 4, 2024

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Here's to getting a flat, attractive belly to look and feel years younger in only 60 minutes per week!

Your friends,

Shaun and Karen

Shaun & Karen Hadsall

Shaun and Karen Hadsall

Stubborn Fat Experts,
America’s “Most Fit” Health & Fitness Professionals

Co-Authors: The 7 Day Ab “Targeted” Solution


P.S. – Warning: If you don't take action now odds are you're going to continue feeling inferior every time you see yourself naked in the mirror. You'll NEVER see a change in how you look if you keep procrastinating day after day: so take action now while you're still here.

P.S.S. – Don't forget, with our Iron-Clad, 100% Money-Back Guarantee, we're giving you a full 60 days to maximize your fat burning potential and discover what so many others have – a way to quickly "target" your stubborn fat and look years younger in only one short week. Grab it right now. There's ZERO risk.

Click The "Add To Cart" Button To
Receive Your New Release Special Price Of Only $27...
PLUS Your Five Free Gifts (A REAL $197 Value!)

Oct. 4, 2024

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1. Skoluda, N., Dettenborn, L., et al. Elevated Hair Cortisol Concentrations in Endurance Athletes. Psychoneuroendocrinology. September 2011.

2. Cakir-Atabek, H., Demir, S., Pinarbassili, R., Bunduz, N. Effects of Different Resistance Training Intensity on Indices of Oxidative Stress. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. September 2010. 24(9), 2491-2498.

3. Sonneville, K.R., et al. (2008) International Journal of Obesity. 32, S19-S27.

4. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1992 Jul;75(1):157-62. Effect of low and high intensity exercise on circulating growth hormone in men. authors: Felsing NE1, Brasel JA, Cooper DM.

5. 2009 study in the Journal Clinical Science

6. Stallknecht B, et al. Are blood flow and lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue influenced by contractions in adjacent muscles in humans? American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2007 Feb;292(2):E394-9. 7. 7. R. Bahr and O.M. Sejersted, “Effect of Intensity on Excess Postexercise O2 Consumption,” Metabolism 40.8 (1991) : 836- 841.

7. C. Bass, “Forget the Fat-Burn Zone: High Intensity Aerobics Amazingly Effective,” Clarence and Carol Bass,, 1997.

7. J. Smith and L. McNaughton, “The Effects of Intensity of Exercise and Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption and Energy Expenditure in Moderately Trained Men and Women,” Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 67 (1993) : 420-425.

7. I. Tabata, et al., “Effects of Moderate-Intensity Endurance and High-Intensity Intermittent Training on Anaerobic Capacity and VO2max,” Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 28.10 (1996) : 1327-1330.

7. I. Tabata, et al., “Metabolic Profile of High-Intensity Intermittent Exercises,” Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 29.3 (1997): 390 -395.

7. 2011 study conducted by the American College of Sport Medicine.

8. Study at Capital University of Physical Education and Sports in Beijing.

9. 2006 epidemiological study in Norway.